Monday, September 04, 2006

The Tongue of the Learned

(Isa 50:4) The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.

Recently I found myself trying to repair a hammer whose handle was broken. A small plug of wood was still stuck in the hammer head and my mission was to drive out that wood so I could insert the replacement handle. Simple enough. So I thought. I tried using a screwdriver to drive it out, a chisel to cut it out, and then finally used a drill to drill out the remaining wood and was finally able to put the other handle on.

I am glad I had access to the tools to get the task done.

God has issued me a set of tools at salvation. I have the tools to get the task done. One of the greatest tools given me is my tongue. I can choose to use it to build up someone, or to destroy. It is powerful either way.

Once as a new Christian, my pastor (Pastor Davis) told me he needed to talk to me. I was nervous, but as he shared his concern for certain issues in my life, he finished with this: “Brother, I love you, and what you do with your ministry is up to you.”

I floated out of that class room that night. Those words of concern about my future, coupled with his words of love made an impact and helped me to make right decisions about my future.

How different are the words of Hymenaeus and Philetus whom the bible describes

(2Ti2:17) And their word will eat as doth a canker:

Or as a gangrene, it will gnaw away and destroy anything it comes in contact with!
Unfortunately, I have met with some who fit this bill. They use their God given tool to destroy and tear others down.

You have a tool.

You have a choice.

Let us pray that we may have “The tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary:” Isaiah 50:4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Pastor Davis!! Every time I go to him with a problem, I might feel nervous talking to him, but I always feel better!! He always builds me up, and loves me, and I'm so glad he doesn't condemn and tear down, because there's times he could have, but only love comes out, even though he knows my failings and shortcomings. I'm so glad for the men of God who help us in the time of need, in love. This blog is a blessing, I look at it almost daily. God bless you!