Wednesday, May 24, 2006

His two best friends

I read this and thought it a worthwhile illustration...

Forgiveness!, by Jamie Shell & Brent Nidiffer

"She'll not live a day," a physician told an attending nurse.
Concerned, the nurse befriended the dying woman, and in a few hours had won her confidence.

Motioning for the nurse to come near, the old woman said sorrowfully, "I have traveled all the way from California by myself, stopping at every city of importance between San Francisco and Boston. In each city I visit just two places: the police station and the hospital. You see, my boy ran away from home and I have no idea where he is. I've got to find him ...."

The mother's eyes seemed to flash a ray of hope as she added, "Someday he may even come into this very hospital, and if he does, please promise me you'll tell him his two best friends never gave up on him."

Bending over the dying mother, the nurse whispered softly, "Tell me the names of those two friends so I can tell your son if I ever see him."

With trembling lips and her eyes filled with tears the mother responded, "Tell him those two friends are God and his mother," and she closed her eyes and died.

God, even more than a forgiving mother, never gives up on one of His children. A long time ago, the apostle Peter promised, "All who believe in Jesus will be forgiven of their sins through Jesus' name" (Acts 10:43). God's forgiveness is uniquely infinite ... and since God is the quintessence of forgiveness, to think on God is to immerse oneself in thoughts of forgiveness rather than failure.

Hold tight to the truth that God forgives and God loves you with an everlasting love. And if this finds you away from him, remember that your two best friends have never given up on you!

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