Thursday, May 25, 2006


Rev. and Sis. Macdonald are laboring in the church and bible college In Mindanao. They are truly an inspiration to me. He has labored outside of America for 14 years running now. (Germany, Korea, Philippines) He has oft been an encouragement, specifically because he can relate to what we are dealing with. In our conversations, he has shared some of the challenges of laboring in Mindanao. Although the city of Cagayan de Oro is larger than our city of Angeles, the economy there is more desperate, the danger more real.
Someone painted on the church vehicle “Kill all rich Americans!”
Two of their dogs have been killed
They have no landline (phone) there. The phone company will not install lines there unless the neighborhood agrees to hire two guards to keep the lines from being stolen. Recently, some of the students were on there way to work and found a dead man. He was 21 years old and had attended the church before. There was a note on his body that said “I am a wire thief.” Vigilante Justice.
The students there have many preaching points, or outstations and the attendance at these places is growing. People are getting saved and filled with the Holy Ghost! That part is very encouraging!

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